“A habitat meets all the environmental conditions an organism needs to survive.
....the main components of a habitat are shelter, water, food and space.”
- National Geographic, 19/`0/23
habitat to HOME
Maintaining cohesive, intertwined, supportive and peaceful communities is a key target for all humankind.
The key necessities for human life are well accepted as food, water & shelter. Elements of shelter are essential to thrive, and to lead a fulfilling life. Therefore, addressing disparities in access to these needs is crucial for promoting equity and social justice.
A long term home offers protection from the elements, a private space to rest and recouperate, and a foundation from which to anchor life and create positive memories into the future.
How can we as individuals help improve the disparity that exists in our communities, whilst taking care of our own self and our loved ones? We believe the key is in tailoring our personal circles of influence, hard work and supportive commitment to areas where we have the most skill, mixed with compassion for our craft - for those who our supported by our outputs.
Surround yourself with people who fit this framework, lead and be lead as a team of cohesive and collaborative supporters for a well-defined end-client, and you will make a difference.
Our wish here at Grey Space+ is that we may move mountains together, towards a cohesive, healthy and respectful community as a whole.
Connect and share so we can move mountains together.
When Grey Space+ and Housing Providers connect and create a desperately needy client a new HOME, the aim is to offer them stability and dignity as a tangible expression of empathy and compassion that can make a lasting difference in someone's life. What you could easily deliver is the difference between a home and a habitat without meaning or enablement. “How do we best go about providing more than the basic structure for minimal cost?“ ….
Consider the end-client (Bobby) and curate every space and function purposefully
Promote Inclusivity and Accessibility to cater for diverse variations to the specific client first envisaged
Enable all through considered Sustainably and be responsible with it in that process
Engage in and with the Community to provide thoughtful Benefits to all
Be Transparent and Accountable in delivery, process and collaboration.
GreySpace+ work with many different housing cohorts to understand the way their clients wish to live.
We stand in their shoes and imagine how things might be for them. We question what works best for them. And through many projects over many years, as we collaborate + curate GreySpace+ have provided great solutions and Homes for Life. Solutions we can embed into your projects.
Design workshops:
Satisfaction is often predicated through early connection and collaboration prior to jumping straight into Site Selection and Design. Grey Space+ have a process to take CHP and other stakeholders through the process of creating HOMES. Early workshops are key indicators of success, compatibility of tenancy to tenant and cohesion as a community at peace and at HOME.